Thursday, December 8, 2011

Massive Tree Removal on #15

#15 green has really struggled the past few summers during the extreme heat.  All of the pine trees behind #15 green have grown up since the course was built ten years ago.  None of those trees were planted there.  We have removed 90% of the trees so far and will finish up sometime next week.  We will clean up the trees once the they have lost some more needles to give a better ground cover.  Robert O'Campo(one of the assistant golf course superintendents) has headed up this project and done a great job. The trees being removed will create better air flow and with the addition of a fan next spring, the bentgrass will have a better environment to thrive than in the previous years.

Before the trees behind the green were removed

Robert O'Campo starting the process of removing trees

From the hill behind #15 green, below #16 tee box

On #15 green

Almost finished on the right side

Overall look at what has been removed so far

1 comment:

  1. Tree removal service is expensive but it serves as an investment. However, there are also ways on how one can save money even if the service is needed.

    Tree Removal Melbourne
